ABOUT ME. Коммерческий ретушер Валентина Лорент Москва

Hi! I’m Valentina — retoucher specializing in fashion, campaign, cookbooks, beauty, products, music covers and clients shoots. 

Worked with Yandex, Tinkoff bank,  Stellary, Viviene Sabo, Beauty Bomb, Influence Beauty, Love Generation, Mаrc Anthony; NoteworthyProven products shoots; Victoria’s Secret, Ralph Lauren catalog shoots; jewelry brand Savannah Friedkin;  Russian artists and bloggers — Dora, Klava Coca and DJ Smash, Valya Karnaval, Soda Luv,  British stylist Lisa Farrаll; local Russian designers and brands.

I have an education in art and fashion sphere — fashion stylist (REBEL school) and fashion designer (bachelor’s degree HSE DESIGN).